An isometric arcade shooter in a maze-like dungeon.
The game takes the form of several maze-like dungeons infested with monsters. The players' characters, called Worriors, have to kill all the monsters.
Each dungeon consists of a single-screen rectangular grid with walls and corridors in various formations. The Worriors and the monsters can travel freely through the corridors. Each dungeon has doors at the left and right edges, which connect with each other, making the dungeon wrap around. Whenever a door is traversed by a player or monster, they deactivate for a short period, making them impassible. A player who exits the door can pop back through the door immediately when the Worluk or Wizard is in the dungeon.
Enemies: Burwors, Garwors, Thorwors, Deciples of Wor, Zombie Woriors and each level one Worluk.
When you kill the Worluk you will get a double score on the next level.
W,A,S,D = move
J = Fire
Space = Pause
Enter = Restart
other keys (I didn't use them):
K = Aim
L = Fold space
I = Place mine (I'm not sure it's "I")
Q = Spawn drone
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