Bootfighter Windom XP SP-2 |
2008 |
Freeware |
3D shooter |
Multiplayer |
by: Y. Kamada |
99 % |
Windows |
English |
Tested on winXP: runs fine |
last updated: 20-04-09 |
Bootfighter Windom XP SP-2 | |
A great 3D Multiplayer (netgame) Action Shooter with giant robots
This is the best robot action game I have ever played in my whole life. It may look similar to Gundam: Renpou VS ZAFT released on PS2, but after playing this game, you might find that BootFighter controls and plays even better.
Giant Robots. One-on-one beam saber action. Macross Missile Massacre (tm). The only thing that would make this game better would be online multi-player capability. Oh yeah, it has that too.
This free Gundam clone offers surprisingly addicting gameplay and lets you indulge that fantasy you've always had ever since you saw your first Gundam anime. 3-D arenas pitting teams of mecha against each other makes the gameplay just like the Gundam Arcade game in Japan, which is similar to Armored Core and Virtual On, but you don't have to blow 100 yen each time you want to play.
Arrow Keys: Run around
Double tap Arrow Keys: Perform a short dash known as "step"
Z: Boost Jump
Double tap Z: High speed turbo boost. Controllable with Arrow Keys.
X: Main Weapon, mostly beam rifles
C: Main Sub Weapon, mostly beam sword. Notice that some machines may not have a melee weapon; they may have a long-range weapon equipped on C button instead.
V: Shield/Beam Coating Defence(if your machine has one)
A: Sub Weapon 2
D: Sub Weapon 3
F: Sub Weapon 4, usually the most powerful one
Every weapon can perform charge attacks.
S: Change Target
Hold S(approx. 0.3s): Change your target to the machine that is currently locking on you
Hold S(0.6s): Cancel Lock-on
V when Turbo Boosting: Transform(if your machine can)
X when Guarding: Shield Dash(Dash with your shield holding at the front. Notice that some machines cannot perform this action.)
X+C when down: Instant getting up
C when guarding: Sudden slash
V+C when being attacked: Counter attack, consuming 3 EX-gauges
Dash or Step while melee attacking: Cancel the current melee attack, consuming a little EX-gauges
Available Game Modes:
Survival Mode - Endless 1vs2 battle until you run out of lives
Practice Mode - Select any machine and practice your skill against a dummy
Team Battle Mode - 10vs10 melee grande as two teams battle to destroy each other's Team Leader
Blitz Tactics Mode - Warfare between 2 teams of gigantic aircraft carriers
Online Battle Mode - An amazing online mode. Any of the above game modes are playable. Supports a maximum number of players of 60(30vs30).
Minimum System Requirements:
CPU: Pentium3 1Ghz
Graphic Card: 64 VRAM supporting DirectX9.0c
System: DirectX9.0C and .Net Framework 2.0
Is a mecha fighting game like Armored Core and Gundam Wing Anime
This game might become very slow if you play team battle mode and blitz tactics mode as there are many mechs at the same time and results in a lot of explosions and projectiles and slows it down badly(Happens to my PC As well)
There are 2 modes where it doesn't summon million mechs and explosions at once and they are practice mode and survivor mode
You can create your own profile/pilot with your own taunts and pictures as well, The mech share the names of OS's like Windows XP, Linux and such
Very good for mecha fighting fans, I think this is one of the best free 3D Mech games only if it wasn't for the lag but everything is else is great.
Walkthrough/FAQ by ercai1:
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