Marvel vs Capcom 2 FE |
2008 |
Freeware |
Fight games |
MUGEN game |
by: SpiDoL |
90 % |
Windows |
English |
Tested on winXP: runs fine |
last updated: 20-04-09 |
Marvel vs Capcom 2 FE | |
A MUGEN fighting game (150 MB)
The game includes an arcade mode, team battle, survival, and watch mode.
The game uses interlaced graphics :(
There's a whopping 56 characters! 28 from each universe:
* Akuma * Amingo * Anakaris * B.B. Hood * Blackheart * Cable * Cammy * Captain America
* Captain Commando * Charlie * Chun-Li * Colossus * Cyclops * Dan * Dhalsim * Doctor Doom
* Felicia * Gambit * Guile * Hayato * Hulk * Iceman * Iron Man * Jill * Jin * Juggernaut * Ken
* M.Bison * Magneto * Marrow * Mega Man * Morrigan * Omega Red * Psylocke * Rogue * Roll
* Ruby Heart * Ryu * Sabretooth * Sakura * Sentinel * Servbot * Shuma-Gorath * Silver Samurai
* Sonson * Spider-Man * Spiral * Storm * Strider Hiryu * Thanos * T.Bonne * Venom
* War Machine * Wolverine * Zangief * Abyss
Abyss serves as the boss in arcade mode.
There are also 12 stages for you to brawl on:
Avengers HQ
Blue Area of the Moon
The Cataract
Dead or Alive: The Show
Headquarters of Evil
On the Hilltop
Mall Mayhem
New York City Skyline
Streets of Manhattan
Showdown in the park
Death Valley
The Spider's Web
To configure the video and sound, go to "data/mugen.cfg"
Download via MegaUpload (no install RAR - 150 MB)
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