RunOut |
1.10 |
2003 |
Freeware |
3D racing |
by: Momor Productions |
51 % |
Windows 95,98,NT,Me,2000,XP |
English |
Tested on winXP: runs fine |
last updated: 20-04-09 |
RunOut | |
RunOut is a remake of the classic coin-op game "OutRun". This is my
entry for the Retro Remakes compo which occured during summer 2003.
The "autoradio" folder of the game stores all the music files available
in the game "radio" channels. You can add or remove your own music files,
they will be automaticaly recognized at the game startup (formats supported:
F1 | : Set music/sound volumes |
F2 | : Previous autoradio channel |
F3 | : Next autoradio channel |
P | : Pause |
ALT + ENTER | : Fullscreen switch |
UP | : Accelerate |
DOWN | : Decelerate |
LEFT | : Turn left |
RIGHT | : Turn Right |
Note from caiman: The game is not bugfree :-(
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Click here to see the statistics of this game
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