Clean Asia |
2007 |
Freeware |
Space shooter |
by: Cactus Software |
80 % |
Windows |
English |
Tested on winXP: runs fine |
last updated: 20-04-09 |
Clean Asia | |
A very Unique and different Arcade shooter.
This game can be difficult to master when you first play but stick with it as it's a great game that comes into it's own style of gameplay. The game is strange is someways but does have a lot to offer the demanding game player who has the skill to stick at it. The sounds for the game are superb and do seem to fit it really well with the unique graphics. This is a game that all must try and see if it suits you as maybe the game is not for everybody. Pick between the two different style of fighters as they both do play in there own way. One pilot seems to have the ability to thrust into enemies while the other can suck up broken parts of the enemy and blast them back as a weapon.
The Author has made a very different a unique game that will bring many hours of fun gaming.
Download now and try for yourself...
Authors Description :
The eyes of mankind has decided to leave their hosts and take over the earth. Their first move was to escape to the moon, where they developed their hostile weapon technology. Ten years later they return and forcefully take over some prominent countries in Asia. Thailand and New Korea has both succumb to the hostile threat, while China insists on dealing with the eyes themselves and refuses any helping hands from around the world. America sends a pair of pilot twins with extroardinary sixth senses to battle against the evil eyes. They both have designed their own space ships that seems to be about the only thing in existance that can be used to battle these terrible friends .
Gameplay description :
Most of the enemies in Clean Asia! consist of breakable blocks that together form a larger shape. At the center of each enemy is an eye, and each eye has a different attack. The game has two selectable pilots/ships with their own set of controls and abillities.
The first pilot can break the enemies' blocks by thrusting into them. The blocks will shatter and turn into debris. The debris can then be attracted to start hovering around the player, to then be tossed at the next block in order to destroy it.
The second pilot is more regular in his offense. He has an unlimited supply of shots, which can be upgraded by absorbing debris from destroyed enemy blocks. If the second pilot is caught in a dire pinch, he can use his shield to avoid enemies and projectiles. This shield drains collected power. He also has charged shots that immobilizes the player for a second, as well as a "bomb" that drains a larger amount of collected power. There are three levels with distinct gameplay differencies and designs. The levels all represent different countries from asia; Thailand, Korea and China. You can select whatever country you want to try right from the start. All in all there are 14 bosses and about eight or nine smaller enemies. The difficulty is rather high, and the game is targeted at advanced shoot 'em up players.
Credits :
The game was made by Cactus for a competition at http://www.shmup-dev.com, and the music was made by
John Marwin http://www.ctgmusic.com/John%20Marwin
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