Berusky |
2001 |
Freeware |
Sokoban |
by: anakreon |
90 % |
Windows (DirectX 7) |
English |
Tested on winXP: runs fine |
last updated: 20-04-09 |
Berusky | |
This is a very good and difficult sokoban clone.
You control up to five ladybirds. In this game you have to collect five keys (it will unlock the exit of the level) and reach the exit. However it is very complicated because a level is full of boxes, rocks (which can be destroyed only with a laser or a pick) and various other obstacles. So unless you are an expert of sokoban games I highly recommend to try the training levels at first, because it will introduce you to all the things available in the game and also requires some thinking.
This is a huge game, 120 levels, 4 difficulty levels: training (10 levels), easy (50 levels), intermediate (35 levels), hard(20 levels), impossible (5 levels).
If you completed all the levels or you want to create your own, there is also a level editor.
cursor keys = movement of ladybird
shift + cursor keys = run
tab = select next ladybird
n = change music
ALT+F4 = quick quit :)
esc = menu
F1 = help (only in Czech)
F2 = save game
F3 = load game
F4 = options (sound & music)
F9 = take screenshot
Sadly the game is only available in Czech.
Here some translations the author gave us:
berusky | ladybirds |
nova hra | new game |
heslo | password |
napoveda | help |
nastaveni | options |
editor | editor :) |
konec | quit |
zpet | cancel |
hlavni menu | main menu |
start levelu | start of level |
trenink | tutorial |
lehka | easy |
stredni | intermediate |
tezka | hard |
nemozna | impossible |
zadej heslo | enter password |
ovladani | control |
pravidla | rules |
autori | authors |
zvuky | sounds |
hudba | music |
celkem kroku | summary of steps |
restart levelu | restart level :) |
nahrat hru | load game (number of load & save's is limited) |
ulozit hru | save game |
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Click here to see the statistics of this game
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