Shadow Armada |
0.57 |
2005 |
Freeware |
Space shooter |
by: Lame Game Productions (Walt Woods) |
92 % |
Windows (DirectX 7) Approx 1 Ghz+ CPU |
English |
Tested on win2000: runs fine |
last updated: 20-04-09 |
Shadow Armada | |
In this turn based action/strategy space game called Shadow Armada, your mission is simple: Destroy ALL enemy ships. Your opponents can be the computer AI or one (or more) LAN/internet players. How to play the game will not be discussed in this review because it is very lengthy and the author has done an excellent job with an online "Shadow Armada Tutorial" which includes many screen shots and descriptions.
Before you start playing the game, you pick three ships from a total of seventeen. Each ship has its various enhancements such as: available weapons (both offensive and defensive), a cloaking device, shields, speed boosts and other items. When the game starts you point and click on the various actvities which you want to do during your turn. For example you might want to direct a ship to a certain place and have ship #2 fire a missile at the enemy. When you click on Advance or your alotted time of 60 seconds is over, the computer animates the actions which were defined by the players. (The ships move to the new locations and the missiles are fired.) If a ship is hit you will also see the explosion. The players are then given the oportunity to enter more commands with the mouse. And the battle continues until only one player has any ships left.
Most of the sound effects in Shadow Armada are excellent and the animations/graphics are top notch. To play this game well there is alot to learn. But the author has made this as easy as possible by providing you with numerous tooltips. If you move the cursor over almost any object on the screen, a tooltip will pop up giving you some information about the item. This way a beginner can get started playing fairly quickly. The readme file included with the game has just the basics to get you going in the game but unless you take a look at the online tutorial you probably will not enjoy the game because so much of it just will not make sense to you. It is a pity that this online tutorial is not included in the download, especially since it is so good.
The game has several options for various aspects of game play including hosting or joining a game. There are at least 8eight different misssions which you can choose from. There is only one screen option and allows you to switch between full screen or windowed mode. The later mode is very useful for switching between viewing the tutorial and playing the game.
Shadow Armada is a very fun game and it becomes more fun as you become better at playing it. It must be emphasized again that it is a turn based game and NOT a space shootem up.
Note from author: Port 20535 (both UDP and TCP) must be open to host a multiplayer game.
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