ChuChu Rocket |
1 |
2004 |
Freeware |
3D puzzle |
Arcade |
by: Gavin Woodworth |
80 % |
Windows (DirectX 7) |
English |
Tested on win2000: runs fine |
last updated: 20-04-09 |
ChuChu Rocket | |
ChuChu Rocket is a remake of the game by the same name released for the Sega Dreamcast and Gameboy Advance. The object of this game is to guide the mice into your rocket while keeping out the cats. To guide the mice you place arrows on the game board which will direct the mic to go in the direction that the arrow is pointing. These arrows only last a short while and at the same time your 3 computer opponents are also placing arrows to get mice into their rockets, which make for an extemely fast paced game. (You have got to be on your toes.) Fortunatley there is a puzzle mode with no computer opponents. This is probably the best place for a beginner to start to get the "feel" for the game. The puzzle mode alone could keep you busy for a long time with its 100 puzzles. In puzzle mode, the game keeps track when a puzzle is completed, so you can easilky see which puzzles you have completed and you can indiviually select which of the puzzles to play.
The game doe not have hardware options such as screen resolution, but it does have several in game options to set play time, animal speed, rate of event mice and arrow overwrite. For those creative people in the world, there is even a level editor. The game has cheerful music and sound effects. The author has included very good documentation calle "chuchudoc" which is very worthwhile to read.
Mouse = Position Cursor
Mouse buttons = varies with type of game
W = Place Up Arrow at cursor
A = Place Left Arrow at cursor
S = Place Down Arrow at cursor
D = Place Right Arrow at cursor
ChuChu Rocket is a very good puzzle/arcade game for 1 player. With its differnt play modes, it is like several games in one, but with the same theme.
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