Ness Christmas Journey |
1.0 |
2003 |
Freeware |
Adventure |
Xmas games |
by: Darklink570 |
79 % |
Windows (DirectX 7) |
English |
Tested on win2000: runs fine |
last updated: 20-04-09 |
Ness Christmas Journey | |
Ness Christmas Journey is an adventure puzzle game. The day before Christas you are shot from a cannon far away from home and you must find your way back before Christmas day. The game appears to be one big complex maze with underground passageways and I don't know how many levels. There are locked tunnels that you must find keys for. There are pressure switches on the ground which operate gates far away. There are crows and dogs which attack you and one direction paths. There are clouds and many other enemies. More about these can be found in the readme file. When you start the game your only wepons are a yoyo and missles but along the way you will find other weapons.
This is a very nice game to play. When your enemies attack you enough and kill you, you don't have to start all over from the beginning of the game, but instead start at a nearby position on the same level. If you have completed enough levels you then have a code to enter so that you can skip previously played levels. Use the in game help at your own risk! Several times during the course of the game I opened this up and was unable to close it, causing me to exit the game other ways. Unless you would like to play the game in a small window, I suggest that you set you screen resolution to 640x480 before starting the game. The game has a good help file and everyone should look at it before playing.
Arrow Keys = Move
Shift = Read Signs/Talk to people
SPACE = Attack
1- 4 = Change attacks
Ctrl = Use PSI Power
Keypad 1- 3 = Change PSI Powers
F1 = Open Help Document (not reccomended)
F2 = Return to Title Screen
F3 = Pause Game
F4 = Switch Screen Mode
Esc = Exit Game
If you are looking for a simple game, this certainly is not the game for you, since it is very challenging and complex.
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