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Fred 4.01.16 2003 Sarasoft
Freeware Loderunner Maze games decrease the rating increase the rating
by: Sarasoft 76 %
Windows (DirectX 7) English, Nederlands
 Tested on winXP: runs fine last updated: 20-04-09

Fred Fred




A nice remake of the old DOS game with the same name.
Fred is trapped at the bottom of a wide underground labirinth. Your goal is to save Fred, climbing the ropes, collecting treasures, and exploring galleries, avoiding bad guys and saving oxygen.
There are 2 maps available: the mine and the pyramid. Each map is available in 5 difficulty levels, with increasing labirinth size and number of bad guys.
Enemies are various: mummies, bats, golems, ghosts, and much more.
Galleries are wet, the drips falling from the ceiling decrease the Fred's health level, as touching enemies.
Cursors: move Fred in the 4 directions
Spacebar: fires a bullet
Enter: to drop and activate a bomb (you can trigger up to 5 bombs simultaneously, repeately pressing enter; explosions will be heavier as more bombs you drop, and could break walls opening new passages)
P: pause/unpause
Esc: exit the game


Een mooie remake van het oude gelijknamige DOSspel
Fred is gevangen op de bodem van een groot ondergronds doolhof. Red hem! Klim in de touwen, verzamel schatten, verken alles, maar ontwijk de vijandige wezens en wees zuinig met zuurstof.
Er zijn 2 mappen aanwezig: de mijn en de piramide. Elk speelbaar in 5 moeilijkheidgraden (groter doolhof en meer vijanden)
pijltjes = bewegen
spacie = schieten
enter = laat een bom vallen
P = pauze
Esc = verlaat het spel
 *Download from 1,04 MB

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